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SPARK School

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Address:Aleea Baisoara nr 2 Cluj-Napoca, Romania 400445 Romania
Description:Spark School is a hybrid international High School, founded by global educators with experience of leading at independent schools around the world, offering the Cambridge International Curriculum. Spark School is shifting the face of high school education by allowing the young people in their community to pursue their own passions and preferences in where and how they learn. Spark School is a new schooling concept created to respond to the challenges in traditional methods of teaching and learning. Its ‘Fit for Future Education’ hybrid model offers students the flexibility to choose and master their educational path. As such, Spark School integrates academic development, well-being, leadership, and global education with university admissions and career guidance so that students have numerous opportunities to explore their future careers and lifestyles.

Spark School has introduced several unique innovations to the sector:
-four stranded education models - academics, leadership, wellbeing and global education - that offer holistic development for every student.
-one-stop shop for all students’ learning and development needs - flexible, adapted to their lifestyle - built around young people and how their brains learn.
-nurturing partnerships with schools to create a global educational network that brings together students from all over the world. The School offers a tool to enable education leaders to think beyond ‘business-as-usual’, overcome the shortage of highly qualified teachers, complement/expand their curriculum and deliver it to students, regardless of their physical location.
-a powerful learning environment where teachers can share resources, cooperate and focus on delivering the subjects that they are passionate about.