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The World's Registry of Private Schools

Laurel School

Contact Details

Address:1 Lyman Circle Shaker Heights, OH 44122
  • Private
  • Girls
  • Day
We know girls best!

At Laurel, our expectations are high and our enthusiasm for highly motivated girls is boundless. As a nationally respected, academically renowned girls’ school (Kindergarten – Grade 12 with a coed Pre-Primary), we take a student from where she is to where she wants to go.

What do parents and students tell us over and over? That no one is invisible at Laurel School: we know our girls well – socially, emotionally and academically.

Our commitment to innovation and the best practices in girls’ education, informed by data-driven research, as well as to interdisciplinary, experiential and community-based learning, is what sets us apart.

Laurel's Mission: To inspire each girl to fulfill her promise and to better the world.
Enrolment Form